How to improve coachees’ self-confidence and self-awareness


For the coachee to be able to make the most of his coaching process, reaching his desired state, there must be some important achievements throughout the sessions. Among them are increased self-confidence and self-knowledge of the customer served.

The coachee needs to have full confidence in his ability to find his motivation and act confidently in his tasks. In addition, he must feel capable of facing the most diverse obstacles that arise along the way.

Self-knowledge is also an essential key element for the client’s evolution in their coaching process, regardless of their objective, since it is through self-interpretation that they can understand how their qualities can help them overcome difficulties. Knowing yourself is also fundamental to respecting your own limits and recognizing your real desires. If you think you lack confidence and want to consult a confidence coach in London then you can consult City Psychological Services where Ms Liliya Korallo will help you in building self confidence.

How to work on the coachee’s self-confidence

First, you need to identify the sources of the coachee’s lack of confidence. When a client presents insecurity and difficulty in taking new actions, it is very likely that he has limiting beliefs or is negatively influenced by other people.

These limiting beliefs need to be eliminated with the help of powerful questions, which help the coachee to understand them clearly and find reasons to reframe their misconceptions about themselves.

Another important point is the need to block external interference, especially from close people who exert strong influences on the coachee. It is quite common to hear from customers that friends and family give opinions contrary to their objective, inhibiting their confidence to act. It is important to remind the coachee that he must look out for himself and that only he has ownership of his own life.

To encourage improvement in the client’s self-confidence and motivation, the coach can apply motivational tools and ask the coachee at the end of the session to define small, quick, easy actions that generate immediate results. This is important because, as the individual realizes that he is capable of producing accomplishments, even simple ones, he tends to desire more and more accomplishments, gradually increasing his self-confidence and his power of action.

How to increase coachee self-awareness

The client’s self-knowledge is essential for him to be aware of his own virtues that will help him build his path towards the desired state. In addition, knowing yourself helps to understand and keep high the motivation needed to meet goals and reach the final goal.

The application of at least two self-knowledge tools at the beginning of the coaching process facilitates this process of awareness of strengths and weaknesses. This should be the basis of the coachee’s entire evolution during the coaching process.

The use of “what if?” questions, either as part of a standard assessment instrument or as part of a series of targeted inquiries designed by the coach for his coachee, is an effective method for encouraging introspection and the development of self-awareness. For example: What if you could change this situation? What if you could visit your future? What if your parents didn’t interfere in this matter?

By answering these questions, the client will be encouraged to evaluate himself and to know his way of seeing different situations, which perhaps he had never reflected on.

Another important point is to remind the coachee to review the report of their sessions when they get home and before going to the next session. This way he will be able to better understand and more easily memorize the information discovered during the coaching process.

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